Blackacre Released

After 18 months of work, I finally 'finished' Blackacre. Or at very least came as close as one can to finishing a TTRPG book. It was my first project of this type and immensely rewarding to work on. In the end, I ended up improving my skills as an artist, writer and world-builder. Still, I plan to do more since I left out the magic system and plan on reintroducing it through a zine.

In the mean time I'll work on printing out several test copies. After all, the idea behind keeping the art black and white is partially to make printing easier, as well as to save time of yours truly. I'll look around for publishers, although it's likely I'll be asked to do some translation work as English isn't exactly native to the place I currently reside in.

I've got a few things to say about the general workflow and my issues with the FATE system, although it's getting late and I feel just about done with this project. For now, I'm going to focus on my PhD thesis and possibly making a remaster of the SkellingtonRPG Tumblr really liked for some reason.


Blackacre Core Rulebook 51 MB
11 days ago

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