Through the Looking-Glass

Good evening, Travelers!

The development of the book has slowly been chugging along. If I were to be honest, the bulk of the time has been reserved for illustration and world building. That being said, here are some of the major changes.

One thing that bothered me somewhat was that there were both terrestrial and otherworldly locations in the book, but they didn’t seem to interact much with each other and didn’t provide a clear path for Wardens to use them effectively. As a result, I thought of creating a border dimension that the Travellers can access. Behold the Sublime. The jist of it is that it allows players with a high occult skill to create portals on mirrors and other reflective surfaces. That being said, the point of the Sublime is traversal, so the longer the players linger there, the more hostile it becomes. One potential gimmick Wardens can try out is to put an actual timer on the table that gives the exploration a literal ticking clock element.

 In addition, I updated some of the art and added a credits and acknowledgements section. My current focus will now be on filling in the art in the location and re-writing them to feel more cohesive. After that and an introduction campaign supplement, I’d say the book would be “complete”, barring some edits for the physical release.


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Mar 27, 2024

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