Traveller's Lodge

Greetings, Travellers!

Apologies for the extended period of silence, it's just I've been busy. The good news are is that in terms of content the book is more or less complete. What's left is finishing the remaining art, reworking some of the page layouts and hunting down the few typos I missed. Let's go through the changes.

First of all, I did a re-write of all of the locations, both Terrestrial and Mansus. In addition, I added the majority of the art courtesy of yours truly. Some of the locations have event and effect tables to act as quest hooks should your Travellers end up stumbling there. 

The character creation and aspect tables have been reworked. Now you can roll a Traveller in two minutes without being forced to come up with any new information. Convenient! In addition there is now an appendix with a table where you can roll for one's starting skills which is meant to add variety and act as a deterrent to munchkins. In addition, the stress system has been overhauled to have up to ten single-digit boxes. This functionally works the same in-game and is just more convenient to calculate.

Lastly, I introduced a new group called "Lodge of Travellers", which is meant to be as one of the ways to conglomerate your Travellers and give them a common goal. Essentially, the Lodge is a secret society dedicated to hunting down cults that want to unravel the fabric of reality. They believe themselves to be the torchbearers of knights that hunted down sorcerers to extinction in the old world.

This should be the penultimate update to the core rulebook before I aim for a full release, so far I'm looking forward to any and all feedback. This will be by no means me stopping development on Blackacre, as I still plan to release a zine or two with cut content and a few starting quests.


Blackacre Core Rulebook 47 MB
44 days ago
Fillable Character Sheet 648 kB
44 days ago
Static Character Sheet 588 kB
44 days ago

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